Post image for STEVE JOBS:  A BRIDGE.  1955-2011


by Ethan Russell

Every morning I wake up and then all day and into the night I use what Steve Jobs invented to invent.

Steve Jobs’ life is a testament to many things, I think, and many have been singled out, appropriately. I like that he is spoken of in the company of Edison.

For me, his life was a testament to perseverance and, so, courage. Thrown out of his own company, a minor player for decades in the market-share of personal computers, he never quit. By the time he passed on his company had a greater market capitalization than EXXON. He had the better product. Perhaps more importantly he had the persistent vision. He fought and didn’t quit.

With all of that said, I thought this article from the Daily Beast was interesting. This vision is not a vision of technology, and when the day comes, as it will, when everything iPad-iPod-iLife looks like a Model T, I suspect this vision will be equally relevant.

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