More videos will continue to be added to this page. If you have an area you would like to see explained, please ask here.
ALLAMERICANSTORIES.COM is the companion blog to the eBook ETHAN RUSSELL:AN AMERICAN STORY. It has been specifically designed to enlarge the experience of the eBook while promoting a public conversation via this blog.
The book is a memoir, a history, and an exploration into my generation’s history and a celebration of an extraordinary cultural explosion which started with rock n roll. To find out more about how it works, click on the videos below. Each eReader operates a little bit differently, and so there are some platform specific tips also listed below. (See “On the iPad” below).
Each eBook reader has slight variations and the user should be aware. The Apple/ iBooks2 reader provides significantly different functionality. See the two iPad specific videos above.
Here are solid tips for fun and easy ways to engage with AMERICAN STORY.
1. Let SEARCH be your introductory guide. Enter your:
Favorite decade or year? The age when you were 12. Or 18. Your favorite musician or musical group? Political or cultural icon? Or almost anything else of historical interest.
2. Pick a subject from the top navigation or illustrated grid categories.
3. Something you’d like to see? Register and add your own photos or clips.
4. Share a clip on FB or TWITTER to start a blog dialogue.
5. Share YOUR STORY: What era, incident, or memory defined your view of …. America today? Coming of age? The cultural revolution?
“The amazing true story of a young American who flies to London, knowing no one, and ends up photographing The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and The Who…. embedded in an interactive history of the last 60 years. And what a history!”
As the book evolved – and the exploration continued – the influence and effect of the generations upon each other rose to the fore, and so I added the generations page. Everyone has so much to celebrate, much to be offended by, perhaps, and plenty to be concerned with. The Greatest Generation it seems has got its due, the Boomers take up a lot of space and have much to answer for, and Generation X and Generation Y are still arguably trying to come out from under their shadow.