Woke up. fell out of bed.
Dragged a comb across my head. .
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
And somebody spoke and I went into a dream
(“Had a smoke and went into a dream.” Right!) Then John’s voice again, after the word “dream,” singing in falsetto, high and drifty. Behind John an orchestra plays, all drifting. Out There. Then John sings the last verse, ending, “I’d love to turn you on…”
And here comes that maddened swarm of bees for an encore, growling, growing, surging (this is every bit the musical predecessor to Lucas’s leap into hyperspace in Star Wars), peaking until it totally explodes, then … silence for one beat, then… one note is played, a low drone that is sustained for a further twenty seconds, until it diminishes to nothing. For once, a disc jockey is right. It does totally blow my mind. This comes as the last song of the album, the experience you’re left with. It’s almost exhausting.
This video is a link from You Tube. All copyrights remain with the original copyright holders.