by Ethan Russell

Post image for SADDAM INVADES KUWAIT 1990

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In 1990 Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and George Bush went on television and announced, “This will not stand.” Sanctioned by the United Nations, George Bush organized a real coalition, like a man of his generation, like the Allies of World War II. Unlike some of my peers, I was more sanguine about this war. Of course it was about oil, but oil was about economies, and the new “market democracies” seemed like a good thing. But it was the fact of a real alliance, as opposed to the unilateral nature of the war in Vietnam that softened my response. When the French allowed us to fly over their country, I knew the alliance was real. The French, like Mikey, don’t like anything (American). FROM AN AMERICAN STORY

This video is a link from You Tube. All copyrights remain with the original copyright holders.

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